For Kids! Cooking and Nutrition Information


Healthy Foods for Kids

Benefits of Vegetables for Kids (Infographic)      
Michaela Sanchez, Gina Castanares, Matthew Barrett, OHSU Campus for Rural Health students, share this wonderful resource from three OHSU Rural Campus Students.  Do you have picky eaters in your home? Vegetables can be a hard sell for some kids, but we've got two simple recipes that are kid approved!


Quick and Easy Nutritious Breakfast Your Kids Will LOVE 

Faneshana Barksdale, BS, Ally Miller, BS, and Chad Casebeer, BS created a fun way to enjoy breakfast with your kids.  This hot rolled oats cereal recipe is full of options that any child, and adult, will love.  Enjoy!



Pancake Animals (Infographic)

Pancake Animals: Vegan banana pancake recipe that encourages kids to eat a healthy breakfast and have fun while preparing these delicious Pancake Animals created by Janie Atwood OSU Moore Family Center Fellow



Plants Have Protein, too! (Infographic)

Plants Have Protein, too! Plant-based protein for kids infographic created by Janie Atwood, OSU undergraduate and Moore Family Center fellow 2022



It's OK To Play With Your Food! (Infographic)

It's OK To Play With Your Food! Recipes that make healthy eating fun for kids.Infographic created by Janie Atwood, OSU undergraduate and Moore Family Center fellow 2022.

Teen Athletes

Nutrition 101 For Athletes

Learn all about the benefits of eating a nutritious, well-balanced diet for athletes. Infographic by Colleen Duddy, B.S. Nutrition, Dietetic Intern


Rewards for Eating Healthier in Athletes

There are many rewards to eating healthier for athletes! Infographic by Colleen Duddy, B.S. Nutrition, Dietetic Intern