Healthy Bytes Initiative - fresh foods

Healthy Bytes Initiative

The Healthy Bytes Initiative is a project of the Coos County Community Health Improvement Plan to help residents increase their intake of fruits, vegetables and other plant foods. These foods provide healthy compounds that fight chronic diseases like heart disease, diabetes and cancer. The educational materials are created by a Registered Dietitian from Oregon State University. The project is sponsored by the Food and Nutrition Group, Advanced Health and Coos Head Food Co-op.

Healthy Byte of the Month: Dandelions


































almonds    Amaranth

 Apricots     Arugula 

asparagus     Avocados

barley     Beets

Bell Peppers     Blackberries

blueberries     Bok Choy


Brussels Sprouts     Buckwheat

Cabbage     Cauliflower


Chia Seeds     Coconut

Cranberries     Dates

Dried Beans

eggplant     Endive

figs     Flax Seeds

garlic     Jalapenos


kiwi     lentils

mango     millet

Mushroom     non-dairy

oats     Parsnips


pears     pecans

Pomegranate poster and handout

pumpkins     quinoa

radishes    Rye


spinach     split peas

squash     sweet potatoes

Teff     Tofu

tomatoes     Tuna

turmeric     turnips

walnuts     watermelon


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